Local Authorities Hub
Discover What You Can Do As A Local Authority To Get Involved in Our Mission

Welcome to the Traveller Movement's Local Authorities Hub
Section Under Development
This section of the website is a late addition to the plan. During our latest phase of feedback and following on from work we are doing directly with school, local authorities and their representatives in Parliament, Government and teachers’ unions, we wanted to provide a central platform to enable our collaborative work to continue and thrive.
We are keen to establish a resource sharing and networking groups for interested schools and local authorities, who want to share their successful strategies or improve their provision for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children in education.
We are hoping for these sections to be functional by June 2022, in time for some initial networking before the summer break. We will then, funding dependant, commence our programme of activities starting in September 2022.
In the meantime, if you have any ideas, thoughts, or would like to take part and Get Involved, please use the Contact Us page to register your interest.
We look forward to welcoming existing and new faces soon.