Tutors for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children

New Funding from Greater London Authorities
What we do at Tutors for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children?
Who we are?
Open Doors Education and Training (ODET) is a Community Interest Company and a sister organisation of The Traveller Movement.
ODET was born out of the Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020 when schools were closed. The Traveller Movement saw an opportunity to reach children and young people through digital methods.
ODET was initially established to support Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller young people however our remit is now wider than just these communities.
We provide young people with opportunities to access professional digital one-to-one education. Our online format has been carefully designed and we offer support every step of the way.
What we do?
We offer flexible education that works.
Our NEET education project gives young people another chance at education when the system did not work for them.
Our carefully designed Tutors for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller programme strives to ensure that young people from ethnic minority backgrounds do not fall behind their peers.
All of our projects are evidence based.
See our projects page for more information.
Our approach
Our vision is for a society where the human rights of people from ethnic minority backgrounds is upheld and are social norms.
Our mission is to support children and young people to unlock their potential and provide and promote alternative or complementary streams of flexible education that work for them and accommodate their unique needs.
Our approach takes a human rights informed lens and each child’s heritage is actively embraced through our work and celebrated through incorporating events such as Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month.
Or... Download Our Application Form
Once you have completed the Application Form, please send it to info@odet.org.uk
Thank you to all our funders and supporters past and present. Our work is not possible without your support.